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East Carolina 2010 Offensive Analysis

Thursday, July 1, 2010
By Ron Cherubini
Staff Feature Writer



  1. Ben Ryan (RS-JR): Ryan has had the luxury of getting on the field the past two seasons but with limited success. He missed both attempts last season and was inconsistent in the spring. Still, he has more experience than anyone else. He will be asked to be the regular kicker now that standout Ben Hartman has graduated. Ryan has the tools but must show more leg strength and better accuracy to go from average to an advantage.
  2. Matt Millisor (RS-FR): Millisor is battling for both the place kicking and punting jobs for the Pirates and making a good accounting for himself. Though he looks closer to winning the punting job, he is not out of the running for the kicking job and could win it.
Position Analysis – East Carolina had the luxury of Ben Hartman for the past few seasons so this aspect of its special teams is in unchartered territory this season. Ryan has had some experience, but not enough to ease fears. Millisor is a promising talent, but has not seen action on a collegiate field yet. This position will need to get better fast if the Pirates expect to have success this season.

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07/02/2010 04:24:41 AM

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