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State Sen. Patrick Ballantine (R-New Hanover) is a candidate for the 2004 Republican gubernatorial nomination. He submitted this opinion article to and a number of other media outlets. (Submitted Photo)

ECU deserves better

By Patrick Ballantine

Several months ago, the Atlantic Coast Conference began negotiations to expand the conference to 12 schools. Whether you agree or disagree with expansion, it is the duty of the leaders of North Carolina to do what is best for our state. What was best for our state was for ECU to be considered for membership in the ACC.

At the beginning of the summer, Senator Tony Moore and I started a bi-partisan effort between the legislature and ECU, urging the Governor to get engaged and use his office to get the ACC to consider ECU in its expansion. Unfortunately, Mike Easley refused to address this important opportunity, saying that he “had not been contacted by the University.” In fact, the Governor had been contacted by then Chancellor Muse about my efforts, and Senator Moore sent the governor a letter. But once again Mike Easley did nothing.

ECU is a major economic engine for eastern North Carolina, and having ECU in the ACC would have had a huge impact on the local economies in the region. Think about it. If an N.C. State, UNC, Duke, etc. came to Greenville for football or basketball, it would be Pirate-mania. When ECU plays a home game, hotels in Wilson, Washington and Kinston are booked. How many pounds of BBQ and buckets of chicken are sold to football fans driving through Goldsboro on the way to games? How many tourism dollars are spent every weekend ECU plays a football game? With his inaction, Governor Easley has failed a region of the state that desperately needs economic stimulus.

LETTERS: "... Every person interested in the well being of ECU and eastern NC should be insulted ..." — Stephen Dew, Kernersville, NC — READ...

I support eastern North Carolina – where I grew up – and ECU – one of the gems of our state’s university system. ECU and the people that live in the east deserve better; you deserve a governor who shows up and doesn’t wait until it’s too late to act.

It is time that ECU and eastern North Carolina were treated fairly, and given the respect you deserve.

02.23.07 09:39 AM


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