SportByte™ Archives — November 2015

Posted 11.30.15 — "The only reason I ever played golf in the first place was so I could afford to hunt and fish." — Sam Snead, professional golfer [Golf Quotes from Sam Snead]

Posted 11.29.15 — "When it gets down to it, basketball is basketball." — Larry Bird, basketball player [Larry Bird Quotes from]

Posted 11.28.15 — "The good Lord was good to me. He gave me a strong body, a good right arm and a weak mind." — Dizzy Dean, baseball player [Baseball Quotes from Dizzy Dean]

Posted 11.27.15 — "Get the winners into the game." — Paul "Bear" Bryant, football coach [Football Quotes from Paul "Bear" Bryant]

Posted 11.26.15 — "The only really unplayable lie I can think of is when you're supposed to be playing golf and come home with lipstick on your collar." — Arnold Palmer, professional golfer [Golf Quotes from Arnold Palmer]

Posted 11.25.15 — "The biggest game I ever played in was probably Don Larsen's Perfect Game." — Mickey Mantle, baseball player, referring to his New York Yankees teammate's feat of pitching the only perfect game in World Series history against the Brooklyn Dodgers on Oct. 6, 1956 [Baseball Quotes from Steve the Ump]

Posted 11.24.15 — "If I could run like Mantle I'd hit .400 every year!." — Ted Williams, baseball player, on Mickey Mantle, after losing the 1956 batting race to Mantle on the last day of the season [Baseball Quotes from Steve the Ump]

Posted 11.23.15 — "“Will be the 14th time I’ve coached in Neyland Stadium. … I’ve coached there more than some of their head coaches." — Steve Spurrier, football coach, on Tennessee's football stadium and the short tenures of some of the school's coaches [Steve Spurrier Quotes from USA Today]

Posted 11.22.15 — "A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.” — Vince Lombardi, football coach [Quotes from Vince Lombardi]

Posted 11.21.15 — "The crowd makes the ballgame." — Ty Cobb, baseball player [Baseball Quotes from Ty Cobb]

Posted 11.20.15 — "Golf is played with the arms." — Sam Snead, professional golfer [Golf Quotes from Sam Snead]

Posted 11.19.15 — "Push yourself again and again. Don't give an inch until the final buzzer sounds." — Larry Bird, basketball player [Larry Bird Quotes from]

Posted 11.18.15 — "The dumber a pitcher is, the better. When he gets smart and tries to experiment with a lot of different pitches, he's in trouble. All I ever had was a fastball, a curve and a change up and I did pretty good." — Dizzy Dean, baseball player [Baseball Quotes from Dizzy Dean]

Posted 11.17.15 — "If wanting to win is a fault, as some of my critics seem to insist, then I plead guilty. I like to win. I know no other way. It's in my blood." — Paul "Bear" Bryant, football coach [Football Quotes from Paul "Bear" Bryant]

Posted 11.16.15 — "When I was in college, I thought about becoming an attorney. But I wasn't smart enough; I hate being cooped up indoors; and I'm too nice a guy." — Arnold Palmer, professional golfer [Golf Quotes from Arnold Palmer]

Posted 11.15.15 — "A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.” — Vince Lombardi, football coach [Quotes from Vince Lombardi]

Posted 11.14.15 — "This year I'd rather lead the league in home runs, runs batted in and hitting." — Mickey Mantle, baseball player, when asked in early 1956 if he thought he would break Babe Ruth's home run record that year. Mantle went on to win the Triple Crown that season. [Baseball Quotes from Steve the Ump]

Posted 11.13.15 — "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." — Yogi Berra, baseball player and manager, giving directions to his house in Montclair, New Jersey [Baseball Quotes from Steve the Ump]

Posted 11.12.15 — "“The real tragedy was that 15 hadn’t been colored yet." — Steve Spurrier, football coach, on a fire at the Auburn library that destroyed 20 books [Steve Spurrier Quotes from USA Today]

Posted 11.11.15 — "Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success, it enables you to ignore the minor hurts, the opponent’s pressure, and the temporary failures.” — Vince Lombardi, football coach [Quotes from Vince Lombardi]

Posted 11.10.15 — "The base paths belonged to me, the runner. The rules gave me the right. I always went into a bag full of speed, feet first. I had sharp spikes on my shoes. If the baseman stood where he had no business to be and got hurt, that was his own fault." — Ty Cobb, baseball player [Baseball Quotes from Ty Cobb]

Posted 11.09.15 — "Never let up. The more you can win by, the more doubts you put in the other players' minds the next time out." — Sam Snead, professional golfer [Golf Quotes from Sam Snead]

Posted 11.08.15 — "I get homesick." — Larry Bird, basketball player [Larry Bird Quotes from]

Posted 11.07.15 — "The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing." — Dizzy Dean, baseball player [Baseball Quotes from Dizzy Dean]

Posted 11.06.15 — "You must learn how to hold a team together. You must lift some men up, calm others down, until finally they've got one heartbeat. Then you've got yourself a team." — Paul "Bear" Bryant, football coach [Football Quotes from Paul "Bear" Bryant]

Posted 11.05.15 — "I'd known I'd always play golf; not as a club pro, but in some other capacity. I guess, in some vague way, I pictured myself as a businessman competing in all the top amateur tournaments. But winning the national amateur championship gave me the confidence to do what I really wanted to do with my life. Not only was it one of my produest moments; it led directly to me going out on tour as a professional golfer. And obviously, that led to everything afterward." — Arnold Palmer, professional golfer [Golf Quotes from Arnold Palmer]

Posted 11.04.15 — "Success is like anything worthwhile. It has a price. You have to pay the price to win and you have to pay the price to get to the point where success is possible. Most important, you must pay the price to stay there.” — Vince Lombardi, football coach [Quotes from Vince Lombardi]

Posted 11.03.15 — "How the hell can you play here?" — Harmon Killebrew, baseball player, to Mickey Mantle, baseball player, after Mantle caught three 450-foot fly balls by Killebrew for outs in Yankee Stadium [Baseball Quotes from Steve the Ump]

Posted 11.02.15 — "We made too many wrong mistakes." — Yogi Berra, baseball player and manager [Baseball Quotes from Steve the Ump]

Posted 11.01.15 — "“Dabo probably thinks there’s only, what, nine planets out there? I think I read where Pluto may not be considered one now." — Steve Spurrier, South Carolina football coach, responding after Dabo Swinney, Clemson coach, said of Spurrier, "He’s from Pluto, and I’m from Mars." [Steve Spurrier Quotes from USA Today]

Page last updated: 11/30/15 04:07 PM