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Profiling the Pirates

Fifteen Questions
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

By W.A. Myatt

Fifteen Questions for Danny Webster

By W.A. Myatt
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Sophomore inside receiver Danny Webster had his best day at East Carolina in a 48-28 Conference USA win over Houston at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium on Nov. 3. Webster scored the Pirates' first three touchdowns on receptions from classmate Shane Carden on plays covering 6, 12 and 9 yards.

The Havelock native had 43 catches for 418 yards and one score last season as a freshman. He is currently the third leading receiver on the team this season with 23 catches for 223 yards.

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Danny Webster and his Grandpa after a three-TD day against Houston. (Photo: W.A. Myatt)

Webster sat out spring ball after his freshman season to allow full recovery from a right knee injury. He is majoring in Criminal Justice.

Danny took time to talk after practice Tuesday night.

Q: Favorite meal?

A: Bojangles' two-piece dinner.

Q: Favorite TV show?

A: Family Guy.

Q: Favorite class at ECU?

A: The PE class, the first one. (Exercise Science 1000)

Q: How difficult is it balancing academics with athletics?

A: It's an extremely difficult task. The biggest thing would probably be the scheduling conflicts between the academics and athletics. One thing might be due at five but we have practice until 6. We have to schedule and plan — you better do it the night before. We don't have the all the extra time or the luxury that other students get.

Q: What sold you on East Carolina?

A: It was actually a combination of things. I wanted to go to a place that would best suit me and get everything that I was about, everything that I loved, everything I stand for, everything I wanted, and ECU provided the perfect opportunity. They're only an hour away from my home and I'm an extremely big family guy — I love my family. I go see them as often as I can. It was big for them to be able to come see me play, I've had my family watch me my whole life. As far as coaches (coach Ruffin McNeill, coach Donnie Kirkpatrick) and all those great coaches, they're big family, big team-oriented guys, no egos. As soon as I started talking to them I could tell they were really down to earth. They're extremely genuine. They tell you how it's going to be when you're here.

Q: You only have two regular season games left with this senior group. What have those guys meant to you?

A: They've played a big part in this season with this team. For me, personally, Bodie (WR Andrew Bodenheimer) is a great team leader, great player — he's done everything that's been asked of him and I don't think that he gets enough credit. He's done a tremendous amount of things for this team. As far as all the other guys, they all mean a lot to me.

Q: Why did you choose to wear #33?

A: That's my daddy's number. It's been his number since day one and it will be mine until someone takes it from me.

Q: Any superstitions or pre-game rituals?

A: Not particularly.

Q: How do you want to be remembered by opposing players?

A: That I gave 100% effort, that I played as hard as I could.

Q: Do you like to talk a little smack on the field or do you let your play talk for you?

A: I don't really ever say much... unless I'm talked to. I like to talk when I'm talked to — I never initiate anything, but I'll have a conversation with you if you say something first.

Q: What does Coach Ruffin McNeill mean to you?

A: He's almost like a second father figure to me. He's a great coach, and a great guy. I love his personality, everything about him. He's a genuine family man, a genuine guy. He's just a great human being to be around — there's no fake to him.

Q: What do you enjoy doing besides football?

A: Video games. NCAA (Football), Madden, 2K (NBA) and Call of Duty — those four right there sit on top of the Playstation.

Q: Who has impacted your life the most and why?

A: My daddy without a doubt. He's been the best dad I could ask for. From when I was little to now, even today I could call him and he's going to be there. I just want to emulate him and everything he's done because I love him so much and everything that he means to me.

Q: What do you plan on doing after college?

A: Hopefully, the NFL. If that doesn't work out, I haven't really decided. I'm a criminal justice major, so I kind of want to be in the FBI or something along those lines. But my family owns a business back in my hometown and if that was my best move, I could definitely go back and run the family business.

Q: How does a game like the one you had against Houston build your confidence?

A: I don't know if it really builds my confidence anymore. I feel like if you step on the field and you want to be a good Division I player, your confidence has to be through the roof. You can't go out there and question anything — you have to go out there and know I'm the best and believe that. If you don't believe that, you're not really going to be worth anything out there. If you're questioning your abilities, how are your teammates going to feel about them, you know? As far as confidence, I don't think it really builds that, but it does provide a comfortableness. That comfortable feeling is kind of like the X-factor, whatever you want to call it, that little juice you start to get when you feel your adrenaline rush, when you're coming into yourself. You and the quarterback start to see eye-to-eye. Throw it, catch it — routine plays.

E-mail W.A. Myatt.

11/14/2012 12:43 AM


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