Favorite Meal?
A: Shrimp scampi, garlic bread, Kool-Aid and probably
something sweet afterwards like a cinnamon roll and I'd be set.
Favorite TV show?
A: I have a couple: First "48," ESPN anytime there's
a game on, and I like to watch cartoons a lot too, just really any
Do you have any superstitions or pre-game rituals?
A: I have to stop and get a Bug Juice and some gummy
worms before the game. If I don't get that I don't know what's going
to happen.
Why'd you choose to wear the number zero?
A: Different. I always like picking something unique
and different — something someone can remember me by... hopefully.
What aspect of your game did you work on the most this offseason?
A: Demeanor, focus and just bringing it everyday.
What are your goals for this season?
A: Win. Simple as that, just win. Twenty wins and
hopefully go into postseason play.
Who has had the biggest impact on your life and why?
A: My parents, my mom and my dad without a doubt.
They've done everything for me. Without everything they've done for
me, I wouldn't be here today. I'm thankful that I have them in my
Which player do you think will surprise people this year?
A: There's a lot. Marshall (Guilmette, a freshman),
the new guy, would probably stand out the most, but really our whole
How much excitement comes with traveling to UNC this year?
A: They have a great tradition and a winning program
every year. I know the atmosphere is going to be crazy. Just hearing
that name should get you up — if it doesn't, you aren't a true
basketball player.
Who would you say is the jokester of this team?
A: Me and (Yasin) Kolo.