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One-on-One with the Pirates
, August 26, 2010

By Ron Cherubini

Q&A with Marke Powell

By Ron Cherubini
All rights reserved.

As a true freshman in 2009, Marke Powell had an exceptional start to his career. The athletic East Carolina linebacker heard his name called often on a team that had a stout defense. A move to defensive end and then subsequent injuries hampered Powell a year ago, but the strong, fast outside backer is all set to be a constant force in the Pirates’ new 3-4 defensive alignment.

The junior is a pure sideline-to-sideline backer with a high-revving motor and is eager to right the defensive ship at ECU. He and his fellow linebacker on the other side, Justin Dixon, represent a quantum upgrade on the Pirates’ edges and should provide a kick-start to the once proud pass-pressure fronts the Pirates boasted in 2008 and 2009.

Marke was kind enough to sit down for a chat with Bonesville to share his insights on the upcoming season.

Marke Powell (10) in action (ECU SID photo)

One-on-One with Marke Powell

Q: You were banged up throughout 2010 and missed a few sessions this fall. Can you give us an update on how you are feeling as the first game fast approaches?

A: Oh man… right about now, I am feeling just great. I did miss a few practices early in camp with migraines but, other than that, I feel fine now. Never had a concussion or anything like that, just migraines from a sinus infection. I feel real good all the way around.

Q: Back to OLB, physically are you where you want to be to play that position versus what you were doing to be a DE?

A: Yes, sir, it feels great to be back to my original position. It’s comfortable for me and it is where I can help my team the best. I am excited about (the move back).

Q: What did you learn playing DE that can apply to this position in this defensive scheme?

A: Yes, I think playing defensive end last year, it helped me a lot with pass rushing techniques specifically. Now with me moving back to linebacker, I can use what I learned (at DE) to be able to rush the quarterback, which is part of my job also (at OLB). The experience was a big benefit.

Q: You and your teammates really experienced the worst case you could have last season. How do you individually approach this season and what are you and your teammates talking about in regards to improving?

A: I definitely can you tell this: We are not going to be No. 119 in the nation (defensive ranking) anymore… that’s for sure. Look, we already can see that we are better and I think it will show (come game time).

Q: What player on this team do you most respect and why?

A: I mean, it would have to be No. 38, Emanuel Davis. He’s a four-year starter here and comes out with intensity – he’s really intense – every day. That man comes out here to work and never complains about anything… nothing.

Q: Looking across the ball at our own offense, what is it like for a linebacker to play against our O?

A: It is exhausting to play against our offense, both physically and mentally. But, it does help us prepare for everyone else we play.

Q: What impact has Coach Jeff Connors had on you and do you see the impact around you with your teammates?

A: Oh, yeah, I can tell you that we are all in the best shape physically than we have ever been. I am really interested to see how we are come September 3rd.

Q: What are your thoughts on the opening game with it being just a few weeks away and against a high-profile opponent (South Carolina)?

A: I am feeling great and excited about that game. I am really ready to get this thing going. I'm ready for that game to get here.

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08/26/2011 03:21 AM


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