From the Publisher: Anchor
Program Launched
Please note in the right-hand margin of
this page that Riccobene Associates Family Dentistry supports the Pirate
Community and is helping Bonesville Media pay its bills and bring you
quality journalism by becoming an Anchor Sponsor of
Riccobene Associates has 100 employees in five offices from the Triangle
eastward with plans for additional offices.
It is significant when a company in the
Triangle decides to make a long-term sponsorship commitment to a publication
dedicated to coverage of East Carolina. The sponsorship helps us to continue
bringing first-rate content to the Pirate Nation free of charge. We urge
you, our readers, to return the loyalty by considering Riccobene Associates
when your family needs excellent dental care.
If you operate a
local or
business, you
might want to
consider getting
your message out
to Pirate fans
by doing what Riccobene
Associates has
done. Get
information on
without a
sales pitch by
[email protected].
Danny Whitford,
Publisher &
Editor |