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C-USA jumping on title game bandwagon? staff report

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One year ahead of a major reshuffling in its membership, Conference USA's athletic directors have reportedly decided to hold an annual football championship game starting in 2005 and have settled the issue of where the game will be played.

According to overnight stories in a number of online publications, the league's AD's agreed in a meeting in Irving, TX, on Thursday — without a dissenting vote — to recommend to the conference's board of directors that an annual showdown be staged that would pit the champions from the East and West Divisions against one another at the stadium of the team with the best winning percentage.

Curiously, the development was not relayed to the news media in a press release nor was it reported on the conference's official website. It is unusual for the league to release major news in such an casual manner.

The board of directors that will ultimately say yea or nay on the issue consists of the presidents of the league's schools.

Southern Mississippi Ad Richard Giannini was quoted as citing several factors for staging the game.

"We are very excited to provide an additional showcase for some of the top football programs in our conference," said Giannini. "We also feel there are a number of advantages to the schools and the host community. This format is not only the best method to determine our champion, but will provide excellent media exposure for the schools and the community, including the economic impact a game like that creates."

According to the account, East Carolina, Marshall, Memphis, Southern Mississippi, UAB and Central Florida will compete in the East. Houston, Rice, Southern Methodis, Tulane, Tulsa, and Texas El Paso will contend in the West.

The 2005 entrance into C-USA of Central Florida and Marshall — currently members of the Mid-American Conference — and Rice, SMU, Tulsa and UTEP — presently in the Western Athletic Conference, will coincide with the departures of five teams from C-USA.

Cincinnati, Louisville and South Florida are set to join the Big East in 2005. At that same time, Texas Christian will move to the Mountain West Conference and Army has announced its intention to rejoin the independent ranks.

If the league's board of directors gives final approval to the recommendation from the AD's, C-USA will become one of five Division I-A conferences that hold a football championship game. The Southeastern, Big 12 and Mid-American conferences currently stage football championship games, and the ACC has picked Jacksonville, FL, to host its inaugural title game in 2005.

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02/23/2007 11:29:59 AM

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