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Hamrick to Vegas: "Scratch me off that list" staff
[ Originally posted 07.04.03 ]

Rumors that have circulated inside and close to the East Carolina athletic department that Mike Hamrick, the school's athletic director, is pursuing the AD vacancy at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, aren't true, according to a report in the Las Vegas Sun.

"I haven't talked with anybody at UNLV," Hamrick told the newspaper. "I haven't talked with Michael Glazier. I didn't even know they had an opening for an athletic directors job. You can scratch me off that list."

Glazier is a member of a prominent Overland Park, Kan., law practice — specializing in NCAA compliance and legislative matters — which has been retained by UNLV to help coordinate its search for a new sports boss. Glazier and Max Urick, a fellow Bond, Schoeneck & King associate, are also conducting background checks on applicants.

The Rebels AD position has been vacant since late May, when then-athletic director and still-football coach John Robinson stepped down to spend more time with his wife, Linda, who is battling health problems.

UNLV is currently embroiled in a telephone fraud scandal which, according to a recent Associated Press report, may involve some 200 students, including about a dozen football and basketball players.

According to law enforcement officials, the alleged offenses could result in felony charges against students who racked up telephone bills by charging calls to a university number without permission. The unauthorized tolls exceeded $10,000, said UNLV Police Chief Jose Elique.

The AP report noted that Jerry Koloskie, UNLV senior associate athletic director, has confirmed that the PIN number belonged to John M. Jackson, an assistant football coach.

On July 10, Glazier and Urick will present a roster of 15-20 athletic director candidates to a 16-person UNLV search committee in a closed session, according to the paper's account, but Hamrick has assured that his name will not be on that list.

Hamrick, who came to East Carolina from Arkansas-Little Rock in 1995, began his career in athletics administration at UNLV, serving in the promotions area from 1981-82.

Since Hamrick took over the reigns of ECU athletics from current Florida State athletic director Dave Hart, the Pirates program has gained membership in Conference USA and invested tens of millions of dollars in upgrading its facilities.

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02/23/2007 11:20:37 AM

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