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Posted 02/25/02

Heart of Houston Hoops Squad Suspended

HOUSTON (AP) — The Houston men's basketball team suspended four players Sunday, including Kevin Gaines, who Greenville, N.C., police said was arrested early Sunday on a charge of assault on a female.

Coach Ray McCallum said Gaines will not return this season.

The team did not specify why the players were suspended, only saying a "violation of team rules was involved." Also on suspension for unknown amounts of time are Dominic Smith, Louis Truscott and Marcus Oliver.

"(Gaines) has some real issues in his life that he must get in order," McCallum said. "We will support him, but basketball is a secondary issue right now."

Greenville police said that while they were investigating a complaint of breaking and entering involving a car. A woman reportedly told police that Gaines had physically attacked her.

Gaines was being held Sunday night in the Pitt County Detention Center on $5,000 bond.

Greenville police Officer Danny Mills said the arrests occurred about 2:15 a.m. Sunday near the East Carolina campus, where Houston played Saturday. Mills did not have any other details.

McCallum said Smith, Truscott and Oliver must undergo "administrative program consultation" before returning to the team.

"These players will be provided some counseling and support programs before they rejoin the team," McCallum said.

Houston, which lost 63-46 at East Carolina, is 15-12 overall and 8-6 in Conference USA play.

"It's very disappointing," McCallum said. "These guys have worked very hard and done a good job in a lot of areas. It's unfortunate that guys lose focus and concentration on what is important.

"We will move on and prepare for South Florida with the players we have."

Copyright 2001 Associated Press.  All rights reserved.  This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

02/23/2007 10:47:30 AM

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