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New BCS scheme looms

AP Sports Writer

Leaders of the Bowl Championship Series are nearing agreement on a new, simpler formula to determine who plays in the title game.

At meetings in Chicago this week, commissioners of the BCS conferences were most enthusiastic about a formula that would only factor in results from The Associated Press poll, the coaches' poll and the average of a number of computer ratings.

It would leave out elements like strength of schedule, number of losses and quality wins, which were all part of last year's formula.

``I think it will change, I think it will change for this fall, I think it will be more simple, and I think it will have a stronger human element,'' Atlantic Coast Conference commissioner John Swofford said at the league's annual meetings this week.

BCS chairman Mike Tranghese, commissioner of the Big East Conference, declined comment Thursday.

Earlier in the week, Tranghese acknowledged that a formula using only the polls and computer ratings was being considered and said a group of mathematicians would test it and other models.

``We've been through three hellacious situations in four years, so we are being cautious,'' Tranghese told the Chicago Tribune. ``If their findings (match) our findings, then we're prepared to make an announcement.''

In three of the last four seasons, Miami (2000), Oregon (2001) and Southern Cal (2003) have been left out of the BCS title game, all with legitimate claims they belonged.

Last year's formula led to a split title, the exact thing the BCS was created to avoid. USC and LSU were ranked 1-2 in both polls, but LSU was paired against Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl, the BCS title game, while USC won the AP championship by defending its top ranking with a win over Michigan in the Rose Bowl.

A final formula is expected to be complete in June.

``I think everybody agreed that we need to simplify things,'' Swofford said.

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02/23/2007 10:40:23 AM

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