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Influential group comes out against 12th game

© The Associated Press

MIAMI — The Knight commission urged the NCAA to oppose the addition of a 12th regular-season game for Division I football teams until the effects of recent academic reforms for players become clear.

The NCAA Division I Management Council has backed legislation that would allow Division I-A and I-AA schools to add a 12th game starting with the 2006 season.

The NCAA Board of Directors on Thursday considers the legislation, which has the support of most athletic directors.

The Knight commission last week sent a memo to the NCAA Board of Directors, indicating it believed the effects of new academic reforms should be gauged before legislation authorizing the extra game is passed.

The commission is a privately funded group formed in 1989 to promote reforms and greater presidential control of college sports.

The NCAA's latest academic reform movement is based on a points system that measures the retention and graduation rates of each team.

Teams that fail to meet minimum standards — about a 50 percent gradation rate — are in danger of losing scholarships.

Teams that persistently fall short of the NCAA's minimum requirements could face postseason bans.

According to the report released in February, half the 328 Division I schools have at least one team that could face sanctions.

``This coming fall will be the first time juniors will be subject to the increased progress toward degree requirements, and the academic performance program will be in effect as well,'' the Knight commission wrote in its letter.

``The commission, by a substantial majority, urges the board to oppose the addition of a 12th football game until the impact of these academics reform is clear,'' said the memo.

Page updated: 02/23/07 10:42 AM

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