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Fifteen Questions
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

By W.A. Myatt

Fifteen Questions for Will Simmons

By W.A. Myatt
All rights reserved.

Will Simmons started his 34th straight game at right guard for East Carolina in a 58-24 homecoming win over Tulsa on Saturday. He is generally regarded as one of the top offensive lineman in Conference USA and has the attention of NFL scouts.

Simmons is 6 feet 5 and 342 pounds, which is big, even by today's standards. He has increased his bench press by 55 pounds to 415 over the last two years and has made marked improvement in other lifts as well.

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ECU offensive lineman guard Will Simmons

The Ahoskie native is majoring in health fitness. "The Pit Bull," as he is referred to by teammates, answered questions after practice on Tuesday.

Q: Favorite restaurant in Greenville?

A: Big Daddy's. They have great pizza.

Q: What's your favorite movie you've seen with the team on a Friday night?

A: The Family with Robert De Niro.

Q: When did you first start playing football and what attracted you to the game?

A: My coaches wanted me to play in middle school because I was bigger than everybody else. I started playing in seventh grade when I was twelve years old. I fell in love with it.

Q: You lost 100 pounds in high school and then gained 60 when you came to East Carolina. How was that transition?

A: It was tough, it required a lot of hard work. I had to stay dedicated to it. With each weight extreme, it gives you a different perspective on playing offensive line, the technical aspect of the position.

Q: Do you prefer pass-blocking or run-blocking?

A: I love to run-block. I just do whatever I can to help the team win.

Q: How'd you get the nickname "Pit Bull"? Do you like it?

A: It's alright. (Offensive line) coach (Brandon) Jones gave it to me. I've kind of grown accustomed to it now. All the boys call me that — you'll very seldom hear anyone call me Will.

Q: What do you plan to do with your Health Fitness Specialist major when your football career is over?

A: I interned at Vidant Wellness and I really liked that, but I'm not really sure. I still have a lot of thinking to do.

Q: Your Senior Day is coming up. What's that going to be like for you?

A: It's going to be emotional, for all the guys. I'm excited about it, my last regular season game in "The Fick." It's going to be exciting.

Q: Do you think you could adapt well to other positions on the offensive line?

A: I definitely think I could, if I worked hard at it.

Q: Which NFL team would you most want to play for, if you had your choice?

A: My favorite team is the New York Giants, but that doesn't really matter when it comes to playing at the next level.

Q: What's the weirdest thing that's happened in the huddle in your career?

A: We don't huddle up in our offense. It's a fast-paced system. You might see some guys trip every now and then — funny stuff happens — but sometimes you're so "in the zone" you don't even notice.

Q: How would you describe quarterback Shane Carden as a leader?

A: He's a great guy and a great leader. If there's anybody on our team that we really look up to, it's Shane.

Q: How do unwind after the intensity that comes with a college football game?

A: I've got to be by myself for a while after the game. Most of the time, I'll either play video games or go in my room and hang out with my dog.

Q: If you won the lottery, what would be your first three purchases?

A: I would buy myself a house if I hit it big — you know, go ahead and take care of that. Then, I would get my mom and dad a new house, because they look after me all the time, and then I would get a dog house for my dog.

Q: What's your favorite thing about East Carolina?

A: The people. I love the people. I grew up in the eastern part of North Carolina (Ahoskie) and you won't find a better group of people.

E-mail W.A. Myatt.

PAGE UPDATED 11/13/13 04:31 AM

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