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Fifteen Questions

By W.A. Myatt
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fifteen Questions for Isaiah Jones

By W.A. Myatt
All rights reserved.

Isaiah Jones is a true freshman and a true Pirate. The inside receiver from Austin, TX, is the son of former East Carolina linebacker Robert Jones, the program's only consensus All-America in 1991. His uncle is Jeff Blake, quarterback of the 1991 ECU team that went 11-1, defeated N.C. State in the Peach Bowl and finished the season ranked ninth in the nation.

Isaiah Jones caught his first touchdown pass in his first college game on a 4-yard toss from Shane Carden in the fourth quarter against Old Dominion. "Zay" (6-1, 170) has six catches for 54 yards in four games.

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ECU freshman receiver Isaiah Jones
(ECU Media Relations photo)

Isaiah took time to talk yesterday after practice.

Q: Favorite restaurant in Greenville?

A: Cubbie's, by far. The Cubbie's double cheeseburger with ketchup and fries, the atmosphere of the place and their sweet tea is amazing.

Q: What's your favorite movie you've seen with the team on a Friday night?

A: I really liked '2 Guns' with Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg and I also enjoyed 'The Family' with Robert De Niro.

Q: What do you do in your spare time?

A: We don't have a lot of spare time, but when we do I'm probably either sleeping, getting treatment, eating, or hanging around with my buddies in Scott dorm.

Q: How fun has it been for you to come in as a freshman and get playing time immediately?

A: It's been amazing — I'm learning from the best. I'm enjoying going through this process — you only get to be a freshman one time in college. Being out there on the field for the time that I have, it's awesome. I've loved every minute of it. I try to take advantage of every play that I get — I'm not worried about my reps, I just try to make the ones that I get, count.

Q: Do you have any routines or rituals you do before games?

A: I have my "Godstrong" wristband that I never take off. It reminds me of who I play for. I'm strong in my faith and it reminds me to give it all I have every single play. I also try to eat pasta the night before games. I think it's is a great meal before game day.

Q: How difficult was the transition from high school to college football?

A: It was very hard. The speed of the game is a lot faster. The players are bigger, faster and stronger. I've had a great group of coaches and receivers that have helped me make the transition somewhat smoothly. It's a fun process being out here with these guys.

Q: Did your dad play any role in your decision to attend East Carolina?

A: Not in the sense where "My dad came here, so I want to come here." It was more that he was going to encourage me wherever I went. Whether it be North Carolina or Virginia Tech, it doesn't matter. He would still support me. It's awesome to know that my dad paved such a great way here and I get to follow in his footsteps, but I want to be my own person. I play a different position than he played. I'm trying to do my own thing here. I look up to my father tremendously — he's an awesome guy — but I came here for me and I feel like this is the best opportunity for me.

Q: What would be your ideal uniform combination?

A: I really like the all black, but I want to try the black helmets, white jerseys and black pants. I'm excited about that combination because we haven't worn white tops yet (this year).

Q: If you could put any team in the nation on the schedule for this year, who would it be?

A: You want to play the best teams, so I'd have to say Alabama. Who doesn't want to play 'Bama? They have a great program, one of the greatest coaches, great players and you want to strive for that. I think East Carolina is striving to be one of those teams. We're really on the rise. A lot of people overlook us. We really have that chip on our shoulder.

Q: How would you describe your relationship with fellow freshman wide receiver Davon Grayson?

A: Like a brother. I have two brothers, Cayleb and Levi, and Davon is just another one to me. Our relationship is so strong, we're real close. We fight and bicker a lot and that type of stuff, but in the end, we'll go to battle for each other. He's not just my buddy, he's also my mentor. I look up to him.

Q: What was it like walking out of the tunnel into Dowdy-Ficklen stadium for the first time?

A: I got chills instantly. Hearing the cannon go off, the crowd, the smoke. In high school, there's nothing like that. It's an awesome atmosphere. It's not just the football team you're part of, it's part of the city. So much goes into it — all the people come here and support you and love you. Going out of that tunnel is something I won't forget. I'll remember that for the rest of my life.

Q: What did head coach Ruffin McNeill say in the locker room after the win at North Carolina?

A: He congratulated us on the win, but he let us know it's time to move forward. You get a win under your belt and it helps propel you into the next week, but next week is another week. He emphasized the 24-hour rule — have fun, celebrate, but come back ready to work.

Q: What did you guys do today in getting prepared for Middle Tennessee State?

A: Coach Ruff really stressed for us to "drown out the noise." You can't listen to all the stuff the outside people are saying. You're going to hear positive stuff and negative stuff. When we had that tough loss to Virginia Tech, people were on our case saying that we couldn't really do it. Then, we had the great win against Carolina and people are all for us. Coach really stressed that we do what we do, come to work every day, prepare how we prepare and not worry about who our opponent is because the way WE practice will determine how WE play.

Q: What advice has your brother (former Texas WR, now Arizona Wildcat) Cayleb Jones given you on playing college football?

A: That football is just football. You're going to go out there and there's going to be guys that are bigger, faster and stronger, but you just have to go out there and want it. He's always encouraging me and texting me what I could do to possibly help my game. He's been with me every step of the way. I wouldn't be where I am now without Cayleb.

Q: What's your favorite thing about East Carolina?

A: Going through the struggle of practice during the week and then going out there on Saturdays and winning. That's really the highlight of why I'm here. When you win, as a group, it's so special. Everyone is kind of that underdog, we all have that chip on our shoulder, and when we win, seeing how it impacts the city, the fans — it's such a good feeling. Everyone in Greenville is such a family, there's so much support, the fan base is unbelievable. I guess to answer the question, is the atmosphere — this town is what I enjoy most about East Carolina.

E-mail W.A. Myatt.

PAGE UPDATED 10/02/13 07:13 AM

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