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Fifteen Questions
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

By W.A. Myatt

Ahoy, Pirate Nation: I'm a sophomore in the Teaching Fellows program at ECU. You may have seen some of my photography work on Bonesville over the past year. I'm branching out from the camera to do some profiles through questions and answers that will let you get to know Pirate athletes and coaches on a more personal level. The series is scheduled to run every other Wednesday and starts today with head football coach Ruffin McNeill. — W.A. Myatt

Fifteen Questions for Coach Ruff

By W.A. Myatt
All rights reserved.

Coach Ruffin McNeill is in his third year as head football coach at East Carolina. He has a long history with the university, beginning with his playing days from 1976-1979 when he was a three-year starter. He helped the Pirates win a Southern Conference championship in 1976 and capture a 35-13 victory over Louisiana Tech in the 1978 Independence Bowl. In 1980, he graduated from ECU with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education.

Article continues after the following picture.

ECU football coach Ruffin McNeill flashes a
special sign in his office. (Photo: W.A. Myatt)

Coach Ruff took time to sit down with me on Tuesday morning.

Q: What is your favorite TV show?

A: "The Unit" was when it came on — I liked watching that one.

Q: What is your favorite meal?

A: Baked wings. (Wife) Erlene's baked wings.

Q: If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?

A: Jamaica.

Q: How did you propose to your wife?

A: I was a GA (Graduate Assistant) at Clemson and I did it over the phone and then did it in person.

Q: What made you decide to play your collegiate football at ECU?

A: My parents and Coach (Pat) Dye.

Q: What was your favorite class at ECU?

A: It was a Special Education class under Dr. Richards. He had a big impact on me and still does, on how I teach and how I coach.

Q: What made you decide you wanted to become a football coach?

A: My dad was a coach, and I knew I wanted to teach, and coaching is teaching.

Q: How is it different walking into Dowdy-Ficklen as a coach compared to your playing days?

A: When you played, you could do something about it physically. As a coach, you can only do something about it mentally.

Q: If you could instill one character trait into all of your players, what would it be?

A: Never quit, never give up, never surrender.

Q: How has slimming down affected your lifestyle?

A: I'm moving around better. I'm able to sit with you right now without worrying about my hip killing me, and my mind is clear.

Q: One of the things you do as a part of staying in shape is walking around the outskirts of campus. Why that route?

A: I like walking outside to clear my mind — no music. I don't really want to walk (with a) partner. It's my chance to think about things and go through the day, decisions that have to be made, or will be made, and right now during the season, the game plans.

Q: On game days, you wear a wristband with writing on it. Care to comment on what that means to you?

A: It means a lot. It's to my Mom and ... my Mom and Dad are on there. My Mom is very special to me — she's the rock of my family and my Dad is too.

Q: Any possibility of a black uniform in the near future for the Pirates?

A: Not to my knowledge. We're just going to stay with tradition right now. I keep getting asked that question and I'm not sure.

Q: If you could describe the atmosphere on game day in Dowdy-Ficklen in one word, what would it be?

A: Electric. Nowhere else can it be found, anywhere in the country.

Q: What do you think East Carolina would bring to the table to a major conference such as the ACC or SEC?

A: They would be getting a dream. They would get a great university with great professors, teachers and researchers, a great athletic program from top to bottom and, of course, the best group of supporters, alumni and fans they could ever find.

Couldn't agree more, coach.

E-mail W.A. Myatt.

PAGE UPDATED 09/19/12 02:27 AM.

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