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One-on-One with the Pirates
, August 19, 2010

By Ron Cherubini

Q&A with Dayon Arrington

By Ron Cherubini
All rights reserved.

When Dayon Arrington came into the program, it was much heralded. He was a recruit that East Carolina was very high on with a big body and a reputation for making the tough catch. However, it was making the routine catch that seemed to elude him. He showed real flashes of brilliance early on in his career, but then fell off the depth chart and saw only limited action.

Where some guys heading into their final year might mail it in and succumb to the situation, by all accounts, Arrington has instead embraced his own accountability and has put himself into the mix to be a big part of the offense on the outside.

So noticeable has been his improvement and ability to contribute, that coaches and teammates alike have pointed to Arrington as a guy that the team expects to contribute heavily in 2012.

Dayon was kind enough to sit down for a chat with Bonesville to share his insights on the upcoming season.

Dayon Arrington in action
(ECU SID photo)

One-on-One with Dayon Arrington

Q: So, sophomore year, you have a nice season and it looks like you are going to breakout big-time. Didn’t happen. Now, though, you have teammates referring to you as one of the Big Three with Reese Wiggins and Justin Hardy in terms of playmaking and downfield threats. Talk about what you have done to put yourself in the mix in your senior season?

A: Hard work and, really, growing up. I have been working so hard this summer for the opportunity to show the coaches what I can do. Coach (Jeff) Connors has us working hard every day, and what I do is that I don’t just do the workout, I try to go beyond and push myself harder. I really stepped up my work ethic. I want to play and I want to be a leader out here.

Q: How do you see your role this season?

A: Right now, we rotate and all of us are expected to be able to go deep, play in the intermediate zones and be part of the quick game. I feel comfortable in the position and I am feeling pretty consistent right now. Like I said, I want to be a leader. I want my teammates to see how I work and play and respect that.

Q: What did you learn last year about the position, about yourself, having such limited playing time?

A: Last year, I would have liked to play more, but one thing was that I had the chance to play behind Lance Lewis, who was a great receiver. He would give me tips and we would talk. I learned a lot from him about route strategies which I have taken onto the field this season. Also, I have put much more into film study and understanding how to study an opponent on film to learn tendencies and what I need to do against certain guys. This season, I feel good and don’t want to feel comfortable. I don’t want to let my coaches down.

Q: We have a QB battle raging. Can you give me a little on each of them? Rio, Shane, Brad?

A: OK. [Rio Johnson:] Rio is a good, good quarterback with a strong arm. He has the system down pat right now. It is just a matter of him making the routine plays consistently. [Shane Carden:] Shane is real good back there. He is consistent, good in the pocket and can run the ball. He has a nice touch on his passes, too. He also makes plays when things break down. [Brad Wornick:] Brad is the most experienced and he throws a nice pass. I think the best description is clutch. He is a clutch guy. I think whoever wins the job will definitely have the leadership ability with all of us. We have confidence in each of them.

Q: What player on this team do you most respect and why?

A: Ummm… Jacobi Jenkins. He’s been here four years and nothing has been given to him. He has earned every opportunity he has gotten and now that he finally has the job, he works so hard, even through injuries, to keep what he has worked so hard for. I really respect Jacobi.

Q: Looking across the ball, what are you seeing from our secondary?

A: The defense is great… seriously. I think the (secondary) is going to surprise people. We work against them and they are very athletic guys over there.

Q: How eager are you and the team to get this season rolling?

A: I am always excited for the season, but right now, mainly, I am focused on continuing to do what I have been doing. I want to keep this going and learn to be a good leader. I know what it has taken for me to get here and I don’t want to lose the opportunity.

E-mail Ron Cherubini

PAGE UPDATED 08/18/12 10:26 PM.

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