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One-on-One with the Pirates
, August 14, 2010

By Ron Cherubini

Q&A with Andrew Bodenheimer

By Ron Cherubini
All rights reserved.

If a favorite receiver was picked from amongst East Carolina's receivers, you would have to guess that Andrew Bodenheimer’s name would be at the top of the list. In an offense predicated on quick passes, yards after catch — aka YAC — is an all-important measure of a receiver. And while Bodenheimer has been a reliable receiver for several years now — making the catch, getting the sticks, you name it — equally impressive is his ability to block from the receiver position.

Many a Pirates receiver has a bit of gratitude he should throw Bodie’s way because the rising senior is a phenomenal blocking receiver, capable of springing backs and fellow receivers on any given play when he isn’t the one with the rock.

Offensive coordinator Lincoln Riley indicated that Bodenheimer is so good at it that opposing coaches point it out to their players. Perhaps his dedication to refining each part of his job is why he is also a very well-regarded and looked-up to leader in the receiving corps and on the offense unit. What shouldn’t be lost in all of it is the simple fact that he is also a very good receiver capable of having a big, big season this year yardage-wise.

Andrew was kind enough to sit down for a chat with Bonesville to share his insights on the upcoming season.

Andrew Bodenheimer in action
(ECU SID photo)

One-on-One with Andrew Bodenheimer

Q: So here it is, senior season. Did it get here too fast?

A: Oh, man, definitely. (Senior season) came quick… too quick. All the years have flown by and I try to not let myself take any moment of this for granted. I think about it and want to be sure that I get the most out of every experience out here.

Q: Coach Riley raves about your leadership out there. Give me your thoughts on the state of the offense, particularly the WRs. Can this group be one that sets the league on fire?

A: I think we have a very talented group of wide receivers which also means that we are a very deep group, too. We have to, of course, come out and prove it on the field, but we have a lot of guys who can make big plays. We have to be comfortable, calm, and work on every play whether we have the football or not. These guys are all good at catching the football, reading defenses, making plays. And we have a lot of guys who can make plays down field, which we need. The (veterans) are consistent and the young guys are stepping it up.

I do feel comfortable in the leadership role. I have been a leader on every team I have played on so I am enjoying the role. I take pride in it and work each day to work with (his teammates) to ensure that each guy is working to be the best he can be. I feel like I have a responsibility to make sure each guy is ready.

Q: New QB on the field this year. Does that make things different for the WRs? Confidence in whomever wins the job?

A: You know, a lot of people may say that one guy should be over the other guy, but I think for us, it really doesn’t matter which guy it is. We do our jobs, our part. We are confident that whomever wins the job will be good and we will be able to develop that chemistry with him.

Q: That said, I am going to give a QB’s name. Could you give me a short reaction to each one?

A: Sure.

[Rio Johnson:] A great, great arm; [Brad Wornick:] Very focused; [Shane Carden:] A leader… I guy who makes it happen; [Cody Keith:] A strong armed passer.

Q: Gonna throw names at you and you give me a quick thought on each: Hardy, Jones, Wiggins, Webster, Harris, Arrington, OK?

A: Absolutely.

[Justin Hardy:] Wow… a big play maker who goes hard every single play; [Justin Jones:] Big, big target who creates mismatches everywhere. I expect him to have a great season both receiving and blocking, too; [Reese Wiggins:] Smooth guy who is really crafty out there. Reese has worked very hard this summer and I expect a big season for Reese; [Danny Webster:] Goes 100% all the time… gotta calm him down sometimes, but you can always count on him going full speed all the time and that is exciting to watch. He’s aggressive, too; [Dayon Arrington:] He’s a senior, too, and we have been together for a while now. He has worked extremely hard and I expect him to be a big art of this offense this season; [Derrick Harris:] Another senior who is a guy you can count on always to do things right.

Q: And how about you? What do you expect of yourself this senior season?

A: I expect to play each play to the best of my ability. To do my job well each play and to be a reliable teammate, whether I am making a catch or out there blocking. Also, I want to prove that I can make the downfield catch, that I am not one dimensional. I want show that I am a dynamic receiver.

Q: What player on this team do you most respect and why?

A: I have to give you two. First, Shane Carden. He has been really busting it this summer… out on the field, in the film room, you know, he is really fighting for (the QB job) and watching that is great. He is so motivated and his attitude is great. (He) gets the huddle excited. Love being around that type of attitude. Second, Kyle Tudor. Kyle is a great linebacker and he goes at it hard every day, every play.

Q: How is our secondary looking in your opinion having gone against them in the spring?

A: I can say our secondary is working hard, very hard and there are a lot of guys working to get a spot there. We go against them I practice all the time — one-on-one — and the way they are working is making us (receivers) better and better each day. I know that when the jobs are won, we will have great players there.

Q: Offensive mantra this season? Why?

A: Definitely the “Chip.” We have a chip on our shoulder without a doubt. We know that (no one) is going to give us respect so we have to go out every day and take what is ours. We need to play with an edge. We feel like we have to prove to people that we are very good. We definitely are wearing a chip on our shoulder these days.

E-mail Ron Cherubini

PAGE UPDATED 08/14/12 09:11 AM.

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