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Fifteen Questions
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

By W.A. Myatt

Fifteen Questions for Terry Holland

By W.A. Myatt
All rights reserved.

Terry Holland was named athletic director at East Carolina on Sept. 7, 2004, and most recently was involved in the Pirates' invitation to the Big East Conference. Holland has hired successful coaches and improved facilities during his tenure at ECU. The Clinton native played and coached basketball at Davidson and also had a stint as AD at his alma mater. He coached Virginia to a pair of Final Fours in basketball and was also AD at UVa.

Article continues after the following picture.

Terry Holland in attendance at an ECU
baseball game in 2012. (Photo: W.A. Myatt)

Holland will move into an athletic director emeritus role at ECU as his successor comes aboard the Pirate ship. He responded to his Fifteen Questions via email.

Favorite TV show?

Except for Sports Center, games and the local newscasts, I live in the past on re-runs of the Beverly Hillbillies, Andy Griffin, etc.

Favorite meal?

Any meal shared with good Pirates!

Biggest moment in East Carolina athletics since you became athletic director?

The eight days when the Football Pirates beat nationally ranked Virginia Tech one Saturday and nationally ranked West Virginia the next Saturday.

Biggest thrill at any point in your career in athletics?

The Virginia run through the 1976 ACC Tournament as the sixth seed beating three nationally ranked ACC powers — N.C. State, Maryland and North Carolina — in a little more than 48 hours.

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment at East Carolina?

The biggest accomplishment by the athletic department (not “my” accomplishment) during my time at East Carolina has been the facilities upgrades that will serve future generations of students, athletes and coaches.

How did you meet your wife, Ann? How did you propose?

I used to stay and watch a little of band practice after our football practices because there was a very cute majorette. I was too shy to try to even talk to her, but a mutual friend put a group together for an outing at the drive-in movies and we hit it off right away. Luckily, she has never been as shy as I am.

My mother passed away shortly after I graduated from Davidson in 1964. Before she died, she gave me her engagement ring and told me that she wanted Ann to have it. Ann was graduating from Mars Hill in the spring of 1966, so for Christmas in 1965, I gave Ann my mother’s ring and knowing that I was expected to say something really cool, I managed to choke out, “My mother wanted you to have this.” (I told you I was shy — but I did manage to add “and I wanted you to have it, too!”)

Favorite restaurant in Greenville?

Anywhere there are a bunch of Pirates.

What's the biggest change in college basketball since your playing days?

The shot clock and the three-point basket.

What do you think about ECU's chances as an all-sport member of the new Big East?

It will happen sooner or later but sooner if the non-football schools leave the conference as they have announced.

What's the next big thing in terms of facilities now that the basketball practice facility is going up?

A new swimming pool and outdoor competition courts for the tennis teams.

How do you think the Big East will do on it's new TV deal?

I think the new Big East will have to prove itself worthy before landing a really competitive television contract, but that is nothing new for us as Pirates. We are used to earning whatever we get.

Do you think you will live in Greenville after you retire?

That is the current plan.

Who had the greatest influence on your athletic administration philosophy?

I would like to think that I have learned (and/or “stolen”) from everyone I have met in my 50+ years in intercollegiate athletics, but Gene Corrigan (UVA AD, Notre Dame AD, and ACC Commissioner) has had a particularly big influence on me.

Which player on the current ECU team would you have liked to be on your roster during your coaching tenure at Virginia?

Couldn’t pick just one — Coach Lebo has made them into a real TEAM and they need to stay that way in everyone’s mind.

How did you become aware of the invitation to the Big East?

The Commissioner, Mike Aresco, called the office number. Scott Wells answered the telephone and was so excited that she cut him off twice trying to transfer him to my line. Finally, I just went to her desk and got the good news while the whole office tried to read the expression on my face as to whether it was good news or bad. I kept a very businesslike look to keep them guessing but, after I hung up, my big smile spilled the beans.

E-mail W.A. Myatt.

PAGE UPDATED 01/09/13 03:42 AM.

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