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NCAA panel endorses 12-game season

©2005 The Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS — The NCAA Division I Management Council has backed legislation that would allow Division I-A and I-AA schools to add a 12th football game starting with the 2006 season.

The plan was given tentative approval by the council during its meeting Monday, but still must be approved by the NCAA Board of Directors when it meets April 28.

Division I vice-president David Berst said Tuesday he didn't know whether the NCAA board would give final approval for a 12th football game. Only the Atlantic Coast Conference was opposed to the proposal.

``I would expect there will be more discussion,'' he said. ``The board should have the freedom to make its own decision.''

There was no discussion of the issue at the council's meeting.

``The various conferences came to the meeting prepared to vote, and we just tallied the votes,'' Berst said.

Ron Wellman, the athletic director at Wake Forest and chairman of the ACC athletic directors, said many of the conference's concerns dealt with academics.

``We believe the season is long enough at 11 games, and we actually enjoy the bye week,'' he said.

The council also approved legislation for more flexible recruiting calendars in men's basketball and increased the number of scholarships for women in gymnastics, soccer, volleyball and track and field.

It also voted to grant another year of eligibility to players who were academically ineligible as freshmen but have completed 80 percent of their degree requirements after four years.

No action was taken on the length of the season in basketball because of a pending court case, Berst said.

Page updated: 02/23/07 10:42 AM

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